Novu changelog

New Inbox Components

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If you're looking for a simple and easy way to create a beautiful in-app notification experience for your users, look no further.

New features

  • Subscriber preferences: Customize notification settings directly in the app.

  • Notifications feed: A centralized hub for all notifications with subject lines for quick information access.

  • Bell/Counter component: Visual notification alerts with an unread badge for better clarity.


  • Filtering options: Easily filter notifications by unread or archived status, improving inbox management.

  • Archive/unarchive notifications: Efficiently manage your notification list while keeping a historical record for later retrieval.

  • Bulk actions: Archive all or all read notifications in one go for quicker inbox organization.

Updated functionalities

  • Unread badge: Replaces the previous "unseen badge" for improved familiarity and clarity.

  • Archiving vs. removal: Notifications are now archived instead of removed, preserving historical data and preventing accidental data loss.

Design and performance improvements:

  • Revamped design: A refreshed, user-friendly design focused on clarity and efficiency, reducing confusion.

  • Performance boost: The new component is powered by SolidJS, leading to faster interactions, a smaller bundle size, and better overall performance.

  • Optimized resource usage: Single WebSocket connection across tabs and consolidated API calls reduce load on services, improve load times, and enhance user experience.

To learn more, check out our documentation.