Novu changelog

Type-safe triggers using the Framework SDK

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You can now reference a created workflow using the Framework SDK, and get a complete end-to-end type safety and auto-completion for your triggers.

import { workflow } from '@novu/framework';

const commentWorkflow = workflow('comment-on-post', async ({ step }) => {
}, {
 payloadSchema: z.object({
   post: z.object({
     id: z.number(),
     title: z.string()

// complete type-safety for the payload object
  to: { subscriberId: '[email protected]' },
  payload: { 
    post: {
      id: 1234,
      title: 'Post Title'

It's still possible to make the trigger from any of our backend SDKs (Node, PHP, Go, etc..) following the trigger command:

from novu.api import EventApi

url = ""
api_key = "<NOVU_API_KEY>"

novu = EventApi(url, api_key).trigger(
    name="<WORKFLOW_TRIGGER_IDENTIFIER>", # This is the Workflow ID
    payload={},  # Your custom Novu payload goes here

Zod Integration with Novu

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You can now use Zod Schemas for defining your payload and step controls schemas. The Framework SDK will infer those zod schemas and provide a run-time validation and autocompletion for usage.

Here is an example of a Zod-based validation:

import { workflow } from '@novu/framework';
import { z } from 'zod';

workflow('comment-workflow', async ({ step }) => {
  await'digest-email', async (controls) => ({
    subject: controls.subject,
    body: 'body'
  }), {
    controlSchema: z.object({
      subject: z.string().default('Hi {{subscriber.firstName}}'),
      openAiModel: z.enum(['gpt-3.5-turbo', 'gpt-4o']).default('gpt-4o'),
      aiPrompt: z.string().default('Produce a concise comment digest'),
}, { 
  payloadSchema: z.object({
    name: z.string(),
    comment: z.string() 

Common usecases

  • Validate trigger payload contents to make sure that null or undefined data ends up in your notifications.

  • Provide default values for non-required attributes

  • Create custom validation logic based on backend logic

  • Define UI step controls and expose UI elements from zod schemas

To learn more about Zod integration, read our documentation.

Chat and Push tokens in Trigger Payload

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You can now pass your push and chat tokens directly from novu.trigger endpoint. This eliminates the need for a separate process to keep push tokens in sync with Novu.

This behavior aligns with how email and phone fields can be passed during the trigger phase.

novu.trigger('workflow-id', {
  to: {
    subscriberId: 'subscriber-id',
    channels: [
        providerId: 'fcm',
        credentials: {
          deviceTokens: ['token-1'],
  payload: {},

Our API will upsert those credentials on the subscriber entity and use them for delivery.

New Custom Step Type

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You can now run custom code as part of your Echo workflows. Our workflow engine will ensure the durability and persistence of running your code.

Custom steps is our way to unlock limitless flexibility when it comes to your workflows:

  • Integrate with 3rd party services like CMS, Localization, Templating, HubSpot

  • Fetch and reuse data from your database and reuse across your workflow

  • Run AI Prompts to enrich your notifications

  • Create a custom provider that Novu might not be supported yet

  • Stream analytical data back to your Dataware house

  • And more...

We are curious to hear what the broader development community will invent with it.

Want to learn more? Visit our docs

WhatsApp Business Integration

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We're excited to announce the integration of WhatsApp Business into Novu's platform!

WhatsApp is a cornerstone of communication in over 180 countries, making it a vital tool for businesses to reach their audiences. You asked for it, and we listened. With this integration, you can now leverage WhatsApp to send timely and personalized notifications directly to your users.

Some use cases you might be interested in:

  • Engage users with custom alerts, reminders, and status updates directly through WhatsApp

  • Set up and manage automated workflows triggering based on user actions or predefined conditions

  • Sending high-volume notifications? Enjoy stable and reliable delivery regardless of the volume

Steps to start sending:

  1. Create a Facebook Developer App

  2. Setup WhatsApp Product

  3. Send a Sandbox Message

  4. Add a Test Phone Number

  5. Send a test notification from Novu

Read more Here

React Email Integration

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Novu Echo has a new integration with React Email, making it incredibly easy for developers to incorporate fully functional email capabilities directly within their React applications.

Key Enhancements:

  • Streamlined integration: Set up React Email with your Novu Echo in just three steps, whether you're starting from scratch or integrating into an existing project.

  • Component-Based emails: Utilize React components to construct and send rich, interactive emails directly from your React or Next.js applications.

  • Developer-centric workflow: From installation to sending out your first email, the process is designed with developer ease in mind

E-mail shouldn’t be hard. Give the new integration a shot!

Read more

Hello World to our new changelog!

Hello to all Builders.

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new Changelog!

In our relentless journey to innovate, solve problems, and create the best solutions for our customers, we've been hard at work improving our SaaS product. And we don't want you to miss out on any of the action. That's why we've introduced this Changelog - a dedicated place where you can keep track of all the updates, improvements, and new features we're rolling out.

Here’s what you can expect:

Feature Releases: Everything that is new

Improvements: Details on tweaks we've made to existing functionalities for better performance and usability.

Bug Fixes: Details on fixes we've made so you can enjoy a smoother product experience.

You can simply bookmark this page or subscribe to our newsletter to get regular updates. Our transparency, your trust, and mutual growth are what matter to us the most.

Thank you for your continued support and happy hacking!

Novu Team.